Most of us want to make a difference in this world.  We want our life to count for something bigger than ourselves. We’re just not sure how?

The 52 Movement has been around since the beginning. Many people and businesses have given to worthy causes bigger than themselves. You are probably one of those, or you want to be. That is why you are reading this.

The 52 Movement is really about bringing what little you have and lifting it up to the Creator so He can use YOU in loving His creatures. He gives you seed, and you offer it to Him as you plant it.  You have your part, and He has His. Everyone is blessed.

LabelMe52 (5 loaves and 2 fish) started with a little ($20) and good clients like you. We have committed a major portion of our profits to partner with The Creator.  It has been exciting to see it multiply. Right now, we are where $43 of each sale dollar provides clean water for a person for life. See the Water page for how it is implemented. We are working to get that down to $5. We have done some micro-loans and helping homeless and hurting. For now we are focusing on the water. Who knows where it will go from there.

When you give in exchange for something, that is ADDING.

When you plant a seed in your giving, that is MULTIPLYING.

That is like giving a man a fish vs. teaching a man to fish. We can make We can make strategic decisions to focus on multiplication type giving. That is good. However the boy with the 5 loaves and 2 fish had no design or strategy in place, yet it stands as an age old example of what the Creator wants to do. Take our little in His hands and watch Him bless others in huge ways. That is His heart, for us to work with Him in that blessing.

The LabelMe52 name was chosen as a statement. You can “LabelMe” a “52” person. I am in. I want to make a big difference with whatever I have.

I invite you to join us. We would be blessed if you joined us here at LabelMe52, investing in our partners with your own giving, at your business, whatever it looks like for you.

As for me, you can LabelMe52.